Animal Positive Coalition (APC) is a group of trainers and other animal care professionals in the Mid-Atlantic region who are committed to the use of positive, reward-based training and handling methods.

Our Mission

APC’s Mission is to advocate for and improve the quality of life of companion animals and the humans who love and care for them by: 

1. Promoting and advocating for positive reinforcement aversive-free animal care and training. 
2. Connecting the community with positive reinforcement, aversive-free companion animal care and training professionals. 
3. Providing a healthy and supportive professional networking group for trainers and other animal care professionals.

Find a Professional

If you are looking for a companion animal trainer or other professional, please click below to access our contact list of members, who are looking forward to working with you and your pet.

Become a Member

If you are an animal care professional or volunteer in the Mid-Atlantic who is committed to humane, non-aversive methods, please join our organization to help spread the word and make our services more accessible. 

Upcoming Events

Check back soon for our next scheduled event!

In the meantime, click below to see photos from our attendance at the World of Pets Expo last month!

Keep in Touch